Over the past year the conflict in Israel between the Arab nationals who claim autonomy over an area known as the Gaza Strip and the Israeli government and its military has become a major international concern. The Israeli government has been under severe scrutiny for not only its conduct, but its refusal to negotiate with the forces currently in control of the area. This conflict stretches back many decades, and is part of the larger conflict between the Jewish people and the Arab world, a conflict which is itself nearly 4 thousand years old.
I will be looking specifically at whether the Israeli government is justified in its refusal to negotiate with Hamas. To his end I will be making 3 arguments as follows:
1. Hamas is a terrorist organisation
2. Hamas demands the destruction of Israel and the kulling of the Jewish people
3. Following from argument 2, and Hamas's actions towards this end, Israel is under real threat
With these three arguments I will demonstrate that not only is Israel justified in not negotiating with Hamas, but that Israel can not, and should not negotiate with Hamas.