Popular Musings

Monday 12 September 2016

Moving to wordpress.

I strongly doubt anyone will actually read this, but for the poor unlucky soul that does, here is the announcement.

But first of all.  Yes, I know, it's been a year since my last post (well, little over a year, if we're being honest), and I have little to no excuse for that.  I'm just horrible at this sort of thing.  I've never been one to keep a diary, nor even one to use Facebook, and I haven't even dared to try Twitter.  This just isn't something I do very well, or pretty much at all for that matter.

However, I do wish to try and get back into this, and not just because I have to write a particular blog post as part of one of my assignments for university.  As such, for the one soul on this planet (and possibly he/she doesn't even exist), I will post this so you know about what is happening, to this barely not dead blog of mine.

It will be moving to Wordpress effective immediately.  I have been dawdling around the multiverse of bloggers for some time now, and of all the different blogging platforms, Wordpress feels the most intuitive, easy to use, and plainly aesthetically pleasing of them all.  So, since I have so little on this blog, I thought why not move it over before trying to (emphasis on trying) to get into this (I can't really say to get back into, since I never really was into it in the first place).

Before I post anything new on the new blog, I will first migrate the few posts here over to there (which shouldn't take long, given how few there are, and how easy Wordpress makes it).  I hope to see you there, and beneath is the link to the new blog, you know, so you can find it easily if you fancy wasting more of your life.  ^_^


Wednesday 1 July 2015

South Africa, there is something wrong


Recently I've been having a lot of debates regarding what's wrong with South Africa.  Why it is failing as a governmental, economical and social system, and what is needed for this to change.  So I've decided I'm going to tackle this issue here, on my blog.  I'm going to be doing a series of articles on the various facets of what is wrong with South Africa, and what we need to change to correct it.  This is my first article in this series.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Should Israel negotiate with Hamas?


Over the past year the conflict in Israel between the Arab nationals who claim autonomy over an area known as the Gaza Strip and the Israeli government and its military has become a major international concern.  The Israeli government has been under severe scrutiny for not only its conduct, but its refusal to negotiate with the forces currently in control of the area.  This conflict stretches back many decades, and is part of the larger conflict between the Jewish people and the Arab world, a conflict which is itself nearly 4 thousand years old.

I will be looking specifically at whether the Israeli government is justified in its refusal to negotiate with Hamas.  To his end I will be making 3 arguments as follows:
1.  Hamas is a terrorist organisation
2.  Hamas demands the destruction of Israel and the kulling of the Jewish people
3.  Following from argument 2, and Hamas's actions towards this end, Israel is under real threat

With these three arguments I will demonstrate that not only is Israel justified in not negotiating with Hamas, but that Israel can not, and should not negotiate with Hamas.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

The need for a secular government


All over the western world we have largely secular governments.  In the middle east we have theocratic governments, and in China and several other far eastern nations we have antitheistic governments.  But all over the world we have various arguments on whether we should have secular or theocratic governments.  I will be tackling this matter head on, stating my standpoint, explaining my thoughts on the matter and giving reasons for why I say what I say.

Friday 15 May 2015

My Study Methodology


Here in Potchefstroom it is now officially research time.  Yes, the exams are but 17 days away and it is the time that most students are hitting the textbooks, catching up on their reading and studying their butts off for the coming papers (I hope).  I thought this would be a brilliant time to waste a few minutes typing, and to explain to the one or two people who might read this in the future, how exactly it is that I study.

Thursday 9 April 2015

On human thought and the divide between human and machine cognition


I have often come across several question that have intrigued me.
1.  Should machine intelligence be recognised as sentient?
2.  Is it even possible for a machine to be sentient?
3.  Could it be possible for a sentient machine to possess a soul?

These are very intricate, delicate and obscure philosphical questions that one can not hope to even begin to explain in a single post.  These are questions that the top minds in the fields of Machine Sentience, Machine Cognition and Artificial Intelligence have spent decades researching, investigating and debating.  I  can hardly presume to possess more knowledge then thay do, nor do I.  Following is simply my thoughts on the matter.  Take them whichever way you wish, comment and reply and let us begin a civil dialogue.

The long awaited reunion.

It has been a long time since I was last on this blog.  The durability of my commitment to something is rather on the horrible side.  That I have to admit.  It is excruciatingly rare for me to find something that can keep me occupied for more than a few weeks at best.  But I have returned with the intention of writing some musings every now and again.

It might interest you to know that I am currently studying Baccalaureus Artium Communicatum.   The subject modules I have for this semester are:
    1.  KCOM 111 - An Introduction to Mass Communication
    2.  KCOM 112 - An Introduction to Communication Contexts
    3.  PSYC 111 - An Introduction to Psychology
    4.  ENLL 111 - An introduction to English Literary Studies
    5.  SKRK 111 - An Introduction to Creative Writing
No doubt you are of the opinion that this is an interesting and strange combination of subjects.  They range from studies in the way that humans communicate, to the way the human mind and psyche functions, to the way that the human mind is able to encode feelings, emotions and ideas into visual simbols.
I can assure you that all these studies do have a purpose, and serve some obscure goal.  It may be a goal that I am myself - as of yet - unaware of, but a goal none-the-less.

You may find from time to time - if you are as consequent with your visits as you would have others believe - that I have posted some musement of mine.  These I can not say for certain will be regular, I may perhapse not post more than a few singular musings over the course of the coming months or years, but that is what this blog is for.  It is a medium for me to record my musings, and a medium in which others may share my neurological thought patterns.

Let me assure you that I do not seek to preach to anyone, even should my musings seem so.  They are simply me argumenting with myself over the issues I deem so worthy.

I hope you enjoy this journey that I am now undertaking.  This Journey Across Reality.