Popular Musings

Thursday 9 April 2015

The long awaited reunion.

It has been a long time since I was last on this blog.  The durability of my commitment to something is rather on the horrible side.  That I have to admit.  It is excruciatingly rare for me to find something that can keep me occupied for more than a few weeks at best.  But I have returned with the intention of writing some musings every now and again.

It might interest you to know that I am currently studying Baccalaureus Artium Communicatum.   The subject modules I have for this semester are:
    1.  KCOM 111 - An Introduction to Mass Communication
    2.  KCOM 112 - An Introduction to Communication Contexts
    3.  PSYC 111 - An Introduction to Psychology
    4.  ENLL 111 - An introduction to English Literary Studies
    5.  SKRK 111 - An Introduction to Creative Writing
No doubt you are of the opinion that this is an interesting and strange combination of subjects.  They range from studies in the way that humans communicate, to the way the human mind and psyche functions, to the way that the human mind is able to encode feelings, emotions and ideas into visual simbols.
I can assure you that all these studies do have a purpose, and serve some obscure goal.  It may be a goal that I am myself - as of yet - unaware of, but a goal none-the-less.

You may find from time to time - if you are as consequent with your visits as you would have others believe - that I have posted some musement of mine.  These I can not say for certain will be regular, I may perhapse not post more than a few singular musings over the course of the coming months or years, but that is what this blog is for.  It is a medium for me to record my musings, and a medium in which others may share my neurological thought patterns.

Let me assure you that I do not seek to preach to anyone, even should my musings seem so.  They are simply me argumenting with myself over the issues I deem so worthy.

I hope you enjoy this journey that I am now undertaking.  This Journey Across Reality.

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